These are all the datapacks that are used in the Camp Minecraft YouTube series. Some of them were packs already made by us, but we also made them some custom, previously exclusive content.
Note: This webpage isn’t updated, but many of the packs are. The version information is likely wrong in the list.
Packs that already existed:

Moar Crossbows V1.1.0
The Moar Crossbows datapack adds a bunch of new crossbow types to the game. The goal was to try and make unique crossbows that are more than just statistical upgrades while also attempting to still fit in with the art style and general game design of Minecraft. It adds all of the bows from Moar Bows as well as a handful of new ones! They can be quite useful, powerful, strange, silly, or all of the above.

Moar Axes V1.0.5
The Moar Axes datapack adds a bunch of new axe types to the game. These are designed to be unique with special attributes and abilities while attempting to also feel like they could get close to fitting into the vanilla game.

Moar Diamonds V1.1.2
The Moar Diamonds datapack adds a bunch of new diamond types to the game. These are entirely just meant as crafting components that are used by our other datapacks.

WASD Bows V1.8.0
The Moar Bows datapack adds a bunch of new bows types to the game. The goal was to try and make unique bows that are more than just statistical upgrades while also attempting to still fit in with the art style and general game design of Minecraft. While definitely not perfect, the pack does a fairly good job of achieving these goals while adding a load of new content.

WASD Swords V2.1.0
The Swords datapack a bunch of new sword types to the game. The goal was to try and make unique items that are more than just statistical upgrades while also attempting to still fit in with the art style and general game design of Minecraft. While definitely not perfect, the pack does a fairly good job of achieving these goals while adding a load of new content.

Moar Apples V1.7
The Moar Apples datapack five new apple types to the game. They are quite unique while still fitting in with the art style and game design of Minecraft. The five apple types are Spectator, Enchanted Spectator, Rotten, Poison, and Apple i-Block.

WASD Pearls V1.7.0
The Moar Pearls datapack adds a bunch of new Ender Pearl types to the game. The goal was to try and make unique pearls that allow for high skill gameplay, speedrunning, and PVP, while also attempting to still fit in with the art style and general game design of Minecraft. While this pack definitely not perfect, it does a fairly good job of achieving these goals while adding a load of new content. More updates planned

Moar Totems V1.2.3
The Moar Totems datapack adds a bunch of new totem types to the game. There are three main types of totems. Ones that are consumable, saving your life, and doing something special. Ones that are infinite and buff you when a condition is met, and ones that are placable with a recharge.
Custom Packs:

CAMP Moar Helmets V1.3.1
The CAMP Moar Helmets datapack adds 7+ new helmet types to the game. This pack doesn’t focus on statistical upgrades but instead aims to add helmets that have special abilities and traits. Because of this, it fits in very nicely with the other datapacks in the ‘Moar’ series. This pack was commissioned to be made for the CAMP Minecraft YouTube series. They were kind enough to let us post it, so please go thank them for letting us do so.

CAMP Moar Boots V1.3.1
The CAMP Moar Boots datapack adds 5+ new boot types to the game. This pack doesn’t focus on statistical upgrades but instead aims to add boots that have special abilities and traits. Because of this, it fits in very nicely with the other datapacks in the ‘Moar’ series. This pack was commissioned to be made for the CAMP Minecraft YouTube series. They were kind enough to let us post it, so please go thank them for letting us do so.

CAMP Moar Pickaxes V1.7.1
The CAMP Moar Pickaxe datapack adds 7 (and counting) new pickaxe types to the game. This pack doesn’t focus on statistical upgrades but instead aims to add picks that have special abilities or traits. Because of this, it fits in very nicely with the other datapacks in the ‘Moar’ series. This pack was commissioned to be made for the CAMP Minecraft YouTube series. They were kind enough to let us post it, so please go thank them for letting us do so.

CAMP Counselor V1.3.1
The CAMP Counselor (or CAMP Trader) datapack adds a dude that spawns into the world daily with a random buy and sell trade. It does take a bit of work to set up, so make sure to watch the video to learn how to do that.