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For Minecraft Version 1.15 to 1.21.4
Moar Swords

Moar Swords
For Minecraft 1.15 to 1.21.4

The Moar Swords datapack adds a bunch of new sword types to the game.
Instead of just being statistical upgrades, each sword has a unique ability or use to make them each stand out.


You may use this datapack in whatever video you like, free of charge. My only request: YOU MUST CREDIT ME for my work. Simply link to this page in your video’s description, pinned comment, or both AND verbally mention during the intro of your video that the pack can be downloaded using the link. “Download in the description” would suffice.

How do you get the swords?

You can craft them in the Sword Crafter. All recipes are at the bottom of this page or in-game for people that donate.

There are also give commands you can use if you aren’t playing survival mode.

/function wasd.sword:give/<type of sword>

Replace <type of sword> with the type of sword you are wanting. Wooden, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite, Stone, Other

You can also put box_ before the type to place a shulker box filled with those swords instead of getting the items in your inventory. box_stone, box_wooden, etc.


/function wasd.sword:give/box_diamond
/function wasd.sword:give/netherite
/function wasd.sword:give/all

So, what do the swords do?

Showcase Videos

To install, follow the instructions contained in the “instructions.txt” file included in the download. If you are still having issues installing or want help knowing how to do something with the pack, ask for help on our discord.

Fully Multiplayer compatible!

Crafting Recipes (also found in the Recipe Guide)

Installation Instructions

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